Last week’s challenge from Miss Wyatt was to create our class avatars. We had a great time creating our on line identities.

My name is Wyatt. Sometimes my dad calls me Superfly. I have a mom, dad, sister, and brother. I enjoy playing baseball, basketball, and football, and Wii I live in East Texas. ——————————————————————————————————————————————-

Hi, I am Kenzie. I love to make crafts. I have an annoying older sister. She is almost twelve. I am almost ten. I have a dog named Sophee. My best friend is Victoria. I met her in Pre-school. I love writing stories and drawing pictures. I like Texas. I have a lot of good friends. I can’t name them all but there is Jene, Katie, Christina, Victoria, and many more.

My name is Joe and I am from Texas. I’m 9 years old. I love classic arcade games, especially Pac-Man. I have a PSP, a PS2, a Wii, a Game cube and a Game boy. I like puzzles, car games and skateboard games. My birth date was March 14, 2009.

Hi my name is Jene and this is my first time being in a group, to make blogs out into the world. The one subject I love to do in school is math. I never figured that I would be on the Internet talking to people all around the country. I’m so happy that I get to talk and introduce myself. My best friend is Jaidyn and she’s really cute and I love her. I love to sing and perform in front of audiences I live with my brother, sister ,mom and dad and I love them all!

Hi my name is Dylan. I live in east Texas. I have a sister named Erin. I have four main friends named Jackson, Payton, Preston, and Brendan. I’ve got two dogs named Spot and Lucky. I collect Pok`emon cards. I have 725 cards. That’s all about me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Hi, I’m Layton, I’m 9 years old, I have a brother, a mom and a dad. A few of my friends are Wyatt, Zach, Payton and lots more. I have lots of different kinds of rocks. I love different kinds of sports like, baseball, basketball, and swimming. I’m in the 4th grade. My brother Landon is in kindergarten.

Hello my name is JP. I like to play my game cube. Also I like to play my computer. I live in the eastern part of Texas. My favorite types of movie are westerns. Stuff like cowboys and Indians and stuff like that. I am in the fourth grade. My main hobby is either watching TV or eating or surfing the web. Also I like spending and saving $$. Well I think that is all there is to say right now. Remember, save and spend a lot of $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$.

Hello, I’m Tyler. I love surfing but I don’t live near an ocean. There’s a pond in my backyard. I love video games and I want Surf’s up the video game for Christmas. I have a PS2 and my dog’s name is Angel.

Hi, my name is Aubrey. This is my first blog. I am in 4th grade. I live in the eastern part of Texas. I have two dogs and a beautiful house. I have two brothers, a mom and a dad, a step mom, a step sister, and a step brother. They are all very nice to me. I love my family very much, as well as my dogs. I have a puppy that is not a year old quite yet, but she is very playful. I also have a ninety-eight year old. She is 14 years in human years. My 98 year old is a schnauzer, and my puppy is a mixed terrier. I have lots of friends in school. I have a best friend that I have known since 1st grade. Forth grade is really fun. The most fun thing is coming to bright spots. I like to do art, as in drawing, painting, and other stuff. I also like to play sports. Well that is all. Thank you for reading this. Please leave a comment. It would mean a lot to me. See you next time, bye!

Hi my name is Mya, and I live in the United States of America, in the eastern part of Texas. My favorite color is aqua. I like it because I think light blues and greens are pretty, and aqua is basically both. My favorite animal is my grandmas dog Maggie. My favorite game is Scatagories. I like to draw and color. I like to play with my friends Daisy and Jessica. I like to watch football games. I hope to look at your blog and find out about you. I am very excited to blog for the first time ever!

Hi! My name is Sabrina. I have a brother, a mom, a dad, and a cat named Friday. I love to collect shells and I live in the eastern part of Texas. I do a lot of art. I love singing. I play soccer. My games are every Saturday in the morning. I love my family. They are the best. This is awesome getting to be a blogger even if we can’t meat f2f. I have a DS and four games. My favorite food is cheese. I have a couple of friends. They are really nice. I love to swim and I love animals. Please leave a comment. Thank you for reading my blog. Bye!

Hi my name is Victoria. I live in Texas. I have an older sister and brother. I live with my parents. I do interesting activities like tennis, gym and dance. I love animals like…. Dogs and cat’s rabbits and horses. In a matter in fact I like dogs so much…I have 2 of them they are miniature schnauzers .Did I mention I love to sing. I love to go play with friends all around the block. My favorite fast food is Chick-Fil-A. I love LSU Louisiana State University. The thing I really would like to do is visit your blog. I hope to have a good year of blogging with you. If you come to my blog I will come to yours. Thanks for visiting my blog.

Hi, I’m Payton and in my spare time I like to play video games, football, and I love to make avatars. I also like to read books and watch movies. School is very fun and I think the challenges are going to be so fun to do! My favorite books are Where the Red Fern Grows and Call of the Wild. This year is going to be so fun! Visit you soon!

Hi visitor! Welcome to our blog. My name is Jessica. I live in East Texas. I have a dog named Bobo (boe-boe). He is black and white with a little bit of brown. I have a fish named Mr.V. He is violet with blue and pink but he is still a boy. My favorite colors are pink and black and to me they mix very well. I am into Racecars and Littlest Pet Shops. My favorite movie in the world is Aquamarine. I love it when I can get my friend named Daisy and together we can go down to the park and get into the creek! Daisy lives close by so that is how I can do that. I love to draw and do arts and crafts because that is the kind of person I am! I am a cheerleader. My favorite animal is a cheetah. but of course, I love dogs too! I love bugs and other interesting creatures and my room is a mess most of the time!

Hi my name is Brett, I’m 10 years old, and I want to surf so much. My favorite thing is to surf. When I’m surfing, I put all of my concentration on the waves. I’m good at building stuff out Legos, from animals to ocean creators. I have two pets one of them is a Labrador retriever. Oh and she’s a special dog she was born on Christmas Eve. Oh I enjoy since and space and I have a pet shark ( even though its dead ).

Hi my name is Colby . I`ve got two dogs a sister a mom and a dad. My dogs names are Max and Drake. I like to play video games and play with friends and my dog max. I like to ride my bike down fast hills. I`m into dragons star wars and bakugan. My favorite tv show is bakugan. My favorite food is pizza or alligator tail. I go down to the park a lot. And play on the swings. My favorite movie is Mall Cop. My sister annoys me all the time. I love school and my favorite subject is science. Also I love P.E. and recess. ——————————————————————————————————————————————

Mrs. Carrington