May 20

Here Comes Summer

With summer break just a few days away, I am already dreaming of the relaxing days I will be spending at the beach. For me, reading a good book, listening to the waves, and laying in the sun make for the perfect vacation. It is the one place that I can truly relax and recharge my batteries for the new school year to come. Where will you be vacationing this summer? What will you do there? Go to your student blog and post about your summer plans. For our other visitors, leave us a comment on what the perfect vacation spot for you would be. Let the summer countdown begin!!!!

May 18

Bright Spots’ Online Chronicles

Bright Spots’ Online Journals

Where students become the authors of their own life stories.

Welcome to our fourth grade online journals. Our students will be demonstrating their use of technology by posting various assignments throughout the year. Be sure to drop by our site frequently throughout the year to see what our young authors are sharing and leave a comment of encouragement for them. You might also want to subscribe with your email address to this blog so that you will receive an email whenever new items are posted.