8 thoughts on “Homecoming Scenes 09

    1. carringtons (Post author)

      Hi, Miki. We are so glad that you visited to our blog and like our photos and music. The photos are from Homecoming. Homecoming is an event celebrated during football season where graduates return to their school for a visit and to visit with old friends and teachers. Most schools in the U.S. celebrate homecoming every year, but in our town homecoming is held every three years making it a really big event. Does your school have sporting events like football? You may call football soccer. We have all sorts of sporting events associated with our school. Football, basketball, volleyball, baseball, and tennis are just a few of the sports offered to our students to participate in. We will definitely visit your site soon.

    1. carringtons (Post author)

      Thanks, Kaylee! I love teaching at White Oak with these ladies and having great students in my classes. I am glad that you are doing well in 5th grade, but I miss you being in my classroom. Have a safe Halloween!


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