Challenge week 7 Favorite Holiday/Vacation
I love the beach. If I could take a vacation during the holidays, you would find me sitting on the beach with a great novel reading while listening to the ocean waves break along the seashore. I can almost hear those waves and seagulls now. Guess I will just have to dream about it for now. Maybe I will be able to head to one of those beautiful white, sandy beaches soon.
What is your favorite holiday or vacation that you have already been on? Why is it a favorite?
Remember to tell your readers answers to questions beginning with who, where, when, what, how, why.
- Who did you go with?
- Where did you go?
- When did you go?
- What was the best part of the holiday/vacation?
- How did you get there?
- Why did you go to that place? etc etc
Include some links so your reader can visit the place you went to or want to go to. Try to find some images of the holiday or vacation place.