September 24

imagesAfter visiting Miss T’s Blog, I noticed that  she and her students came up with  a great list of ideas for leaving worthwhile comments.  I hope that many of the Bright Spots group will go visit her site and read through the class list.  I truly believe that these are some great suggestions for you to follow when blogging.  Thanks, Miss T and class!

September 24

End of first Six Weeks Challenge

images-2With this being the end of the first six weeks, I would like for you to visit other White Oak blogs and leave a comment.  In fact, I want all of you to visit my blog page at the post about the best part of school and leave me a comment.  I would also like for you to visit the other fourth grade teachers’ blogs and leave them a comment.  Have fun with this assignment, and when you finish visiting these sites, leave a comment here to tell me about what you found or learned from their sites.  I can’t wait to hear from you!

Fourth grade Blog sites:
